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外國小孩的搞笑電影 2024-05-18 18:47:27


發布時間: 2024-04-25 08:52:53

1. 灰姑娘,美女與野獸的英文觀後感!100詞左右,急求啊~~~


Cinderella is a deeply beloved animated classic. This is very easily one of my Disney animated films ever made because it is such a delightful adaptation of the classic fairy tale.


The characters are a lot of fun to watch and the story was handled excellently. The songs in the movie are also very good to listen to and fit perfectly into the movie. I strongly recommend it to any Disney fan.



The atmosphere is ethereal, hazy, ripe with magic. There is a quality to the pace, visuals, dialogue and blocking that just feels otherworldly. Perfect for this tale.


The use of human and other life forms in unusual ways is most imaginative. Especially so are the faces in the mantel and the torch sconces. I mention them as inspired and labeled this review for spoilers because I still remember the pleasure of the surprise of those images when I first saw this film.


I do not speak french but I think that the actual dialogue matters less than in any film I have seen. This one can be enjoyed by yielding to the image and the rhythm.











句子是作文 的基本單位,我們要有意識地進行連句成文的有步驟的訓練。

2. 英文版的《美女與野獸》觀後感

Magical, mesmerising take on the fairytale story of a young woman who sees the true heart of a "beast". Cocteau regarded himself as first and foremost a poet, and the film is pure poetry. I just sat in awe of the film for the most part, certainly one of the most indelible viewing experiences I have had thus far. Jean Marais was astonishing and touching as the tortured Beast (he actually has three roles, and he pulls them off with aplomb), and Josette Day was lovely as Belle. And Cocteau works his wand with his direction and creates a visually remarkable film. Hands appear out of nowhere to move candles, a Magnificent white horse carries Beauty...yet nothing is as touching as the Beast's feeling for Belle, or the tears that she cries for her father that turn into diamonds that will release him from her poverty. For me, as much an emotional experience as an aesthetic one. As for the ending? I like it. Coctea's himself said that Belle is supposed to be disappointed that her Beast is turned into a Prince, yet I think it shows that the true nature of a man can be hidden on first glance by virtue of his looks, and Belle will eventually look past his similarity to Avenant and see her love inside

3. 英語影評怎麼寫



Beauty and the Beast, directed by Bill Condon, is an amazing American fantasy film. Adapted from a cartoon film of the same name, which was created by the same company in 1991, the new version's characters are real persons.


In order to save her father, who was trapped by an ugly beast, Belle, a brave and beautiful girl, had to live with the frightening beast in a cave. Having been a prince, the beast was changed by an evil witch. Only if he could get true love, could he become a person again.


After they went through plenty of difficulties,the beast earned Belle's love.


The film, with lovely characters, beautiful soundtrack and interesting plot, is really a success. It is worth watching


4. 美女與野獸的英文影評急用謝謝

Rude prince, even if he never knows how to treat others,also don't know what love is, he still proud of -- he is aluxurious grand prince.
But gentle beast, even if he is again the gentleman, hearts full of love, he still has the inferiority of the reason -- he's augly beast.
By contrast, Baer's identity is the same -- a beautifuldream of the poor girl.
However, we can assume a point, if the prince was notmagic, then, even if Baer is again beautiful and kind, the prince would not fall in love with her -- because our premise is rude Prince doesn't know what is love.
But in his identity vertical drop, until a look fierce monster,he is in a low profile, even humble posture, to appreciate apast may even see the poor girl his face also unworthy --while she was his savior.

5. 緹庡コ涓庨噹鍏 璇誨悗鎰熸偀錛堣嫳鏂囷級

1錛塗oday, I read "Beauty and the Beast," this fairy tale, was touched. The story is used to have a prince, he did not lack compassion, kindness銆侶e can not be kind to each crossing of the elderly, but also drive them with sticks. One day, a magician jump in front of him, said: "You are people who do not! I will turn you into a beast.It has five roses, your five years of life, five years, you have to learn good, particularly for the love. "One day, a jeweler lost his way, came to the palace, he picked a beautiful rose to surprise his daughter.Beast saw, angry and said: "This is my year of life, I have to kill you, unless you give me your daughter."So beautiful beast came around, wild animals care about her, love her, her warmth, her stay in their homes as the same. Days passed, and beautiful women want to see my father, told her to hurry back to wild animals.Beautiful home, forget time, mirror on the wall to remind the beauty around us to get back on the beast.When the beautiful beast back side, the fifth with a rose petal not the last one to fall back into the beast it handsome prince.This story I know people have good intentions, to love others 2錛

6. 美女與野獸 英語觀後感


Disney's first work to recover the lost land in 1991, although the plot is still the stereotype of Prince and princess, interspersed with too many music and songs.


These are the characteristics of old Disney, but we also saw the model of Disney creating animated feature films. In Aladdin a year later, we saw new Disney works in a new era.


Beauty and the beast is a classic story. The characters in this film are vivid and lovely. The disadvantage is that the plot has not completely let go of the wings of imagination《 Aladdin overturned the image of the legendary lamp monster and set the highest box office record in 1992.


However, the theme song sung by Peabo Bryson and Celine Dion has become an eternal classic.

然而本片由Peabo Bryson和Celine Dion對唱的主題曲已然成為永恆的經典。

7. 迪斯尼《灰姑娘》《美女與野獸》觀後感!!!英文的!!!(拜託,急!)

Cinderella was originally released in 1950 by Disney. There have been at least 40 alternative versions of Cinderella released both before and since then, both animated and with live actors.

What sets Disney's version of 1950 apart? It is the central role of the animated mice and birds, Lucifer the ever-scheming troublemaker of a cat, and Bruno, the loveable old hound who dreams of catching Lucifer. The mice and birds are constantly helping Cinderella compensate for the oppressive work overload assigned by her stepmother and two stepsisters. The mice have to overcome Lucifer's constant efforts to catch and eat them and to get Cinderella into horrendous trouble with her stepmother.

The basic Cinderella plot line serves merely as a frame holding a canvas on which these animal characters play out the main parts of the story line through their cat and mouse games. It is these antics, communicated through short pidgin English phrases from the mice and deliciously evil facial expressions and body language of the cat, that endear the film so much to children and to the child in us all.

Cinderella is a kids movie, yeah I know. The Anime fans I know believe anything Disney is the Devil, that's to be expected. (Miyazaki's titles are being released through Disney, think about it.) But there are some great lessons to be learned by all of us, kid or alt alike: Friendship, dreams, hope, never giving up (in Cinderlla's case until the Godmother gives her a pep talk, a pep song, and performs a few magic tricks) also the realities of goodness and plain ol' raunchy badness.

Disney's animated version of the classic tale, "Beauty and the Beast," is every bit as enchanting as the "tale as old as time" that it tells, making its way into our hearts as well as motion picture history. Being the first film nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture, as well as six nominations altogether, Disney proves that it has what it takes to make an animated feature enjoyable for alts and children. I remember watching the film as a small child, and now, as an alt, is hasn't lost its luster, and everything is just as I enjoyed it before.

Belle is bored with life in her village. Her only escape is her books, and she longs to have an adventure of her own. When her father heads out to a fair, he gets lots, and Belle finds him in an enchanted castle. The objects are thrilled, because if she and their master, the Beast, fall in love, they will all be freed from the enchantment. But will Belle be able to see past the outward appearance? And what about the handsome bore back home who wants to marry Belle?

Through brilliant animation and song, as well as some terrific voice talents, the story of unexpected love comes to new and exciting life. Small-town girl Belle is forced to head into the woods once her father turns up missing, bringing her to a gloomy, secluded castle where she finds him and his captor, a vicious-looking beast. Of course, the beginning of the movie explains the beast's origins: he was once a selfish prince who, after turning out an old beggar woman, was transformed, given an enchanted rose, and told "if he could learn to love another, and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time."

I feel in love with this movie the first time I saw it, and that love has only grown over the years. The story is the right mix of fun and uncertainty. Gaston was a wonderful addition to the mix because his story was the part I was most uncertain about the first time around. The artwork on the film catches your eye from the first shot of the castle, and doesn't let go. Beside the incredible background shots are wonderful drawings of the characters. I especially love the boyish excitement they manage to give the Beast in several scenes. Finally, there's the music. Every song adds to the story and is memorable in its own right.

8. 家長有空一定要刷這8部電影,英語&情商雙提高!



除了劇情, 最吸引我的其實是Emma Watson那一口清晰、標準的英音 ,讓人聽著炒雞核襲禪舒服且極其有好感!此外,因為劇情本身是我們所熟知的,加上台詞本身的難度並不大,所以這部電影十分適合大家學習英語!尤其是對於那些想要學禪空習英式發音的同學們,都非常有幫助哦~


1. Love can turn a man into a beast; also can let an ugly people become noble .


(noble——adj. 高尚的; 貴族的; 外表庄嚴和莊重的)

2. Think of the one thing that you've always wanted. See it in your mind' s eyes and feel it in your heart.


3. Waiting here for evermore .


(evermore——adv. 始終,永久; 將來,今後)


這是一場頂級的好萊塢歌舞秀,也是一個由真實 歷史 改編的故事。劇中有許多經典台詞和插曲,值得大家細細回味與學習,也十分適合同學們積累英文短句的素材。提到最讓人印象深刻的部分,不少人提到的是男主說的那句「能給人帶來快樂的才是真正的藝術」,以及在電影最後的那句振奮人心的話:「唯有與眾不同才能改變世界」。除此之外,屢獲大獎的片中插曲《This is me》也收到了大眾的好評,裡面的每一句歌詞都寫得很振奮人心,非常值得單曲循環!


1. The noblest art is that of making others happy。


2. I am brave, I am proof. I am who I'm meant to be , this is me.


(be meant to be——應做;照道理,照規矩應該做)

3. This is a celebration of humanity .


(humanity—— n. 人類; 人性; 人道; 人文學科)




1. Some mistakes… Just have greater consequences than others. But you don』t have to let the result of one mistake be the thing that defines you.


(consequence——n. 推論; 結果,成果; 重要性)

2. I have become a whole new person because of you.


(whole new——全新的)

3. Live boldly . Push yourself. Don't settle.


(boldly——adv. 大膽地,顯眼地)

4. I will never, ever regret the things I』ve done. Because most days,all you have are places in your memory that you can go to.


(regret sth. / regret doing sth. ——後悔做某事)





1. The history of emperor succession, are in the former case died, and will die soon, my predecessor is not only alive, alive and well.

歷史 上君主的繼任,都是在前任過世的情況下,或者將不久於人世。我的前任現在不僅活著,還活得好好的。


(predecessor——n. 前任,前輩; 原有事物,前身; 祖先)

2. In the past 25 years of up and downs, King George taught us the most important…… Is leadership and warm on the subjucts that big brother, when he was alive, the whole empire beacon .


(beacon——n. 烽火; 燈塔,信號浮標; 指路明燈; 警標,界標; vt. 照亮,指引; 為…設置信標; 用燈指引)

3. If I am King, where is my power? Can I declare war? Form a government? Levy a tax? No! And yet I am the seat of all authority because they think that when I speak, I speak for them. But I can』t speak.


(levy——n. 征稅; 徵兵; v. 徵收,索取; 征稅,徵集)

(authority——n. 權威; 權力)





1. Life is so mystery.


(mystery——n. 秘密,謎; 神秘,神秘的事物; 推理小說,推理劇)

2. Don't make a bitter face for the past, and don't worry about the future, just be here now. BE HERE NOW.

對過去的事不要一副苦瓜臉,對未來也不要愁眉苦臉,只要,活在當下,活 在 當 下。

3. They do things that dogs can't understand, like leave.






1. Walking through a crowd, the village is a glow. Kaleidoscope of loud heartbeats under coats. Everybody here wanted something more, searching for a sound we hadn』t heard before, and it said: welcome to New York.


(kaleidoscope——n. 萬花筒; 千變萬化,瞬息萬變)

2. Katie and I, well, we have the perfect relationship.


3. I only know the doggy paddle, and I don' t know it well.






1. Life's a little bit messy . We all make mistakes.


(messy——adj. 凌亂的,散亂的; 骯臟的; 復雜的,麻煩的,難以應付的)

2. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.


3. Everyone comes to Zootopia, thinking they could be anything they want. But you can't.




