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宫崎骏电影大全集下载 2024-05-18 20:01:17
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发布时间: 2024-05-05 02:05:43

1. 求一篇描述中国电影的英文文章


If you want to know Chinese culture through movie it's better to see chinese movies.

“Sha Po Lang represents the return of Hong Kong kongfu movie’s golden age. On the second thought, it maintains and expends the Hong Kong movie’s best character.”----This is the comment of The Toronto Film Exhibition on Sha Po Lang. Maybe we also could classify it as the return of classical Hong Kong movie rather only the return of Hong Kong kongfu movie. After the period of the crazy proction of movies in the end of 1990s, many bad quality movies were made and hurt the feelings of audience, so the movie market slide into the decay. In order to increase the interest of movie, the Hong Kong movie makers went to the way of Hollywood, but they failed. What’s more, they have abandoned the classical elements of Hong Kong Movie.

In the design of kongfu, because of the attendance of three masters----Zhen Zidan, Hong Jinbao, and Wu Jin, the scenes are pleasing to both the eye and the mind. The movie inosculates the Jujutu and wrestle, at the same time the element of wushu is added to. We could say that it is a feast in vision. There are three important tussle scenes.

The discussion about social problems, the concern on the brotherliness, the stirring movie style, maybe we could say that the classical Hong Kong movie has returned. The high profit of the movie also tells us that the excellent classical Hong Kong movie still has market. Therefore, maybe it provides a hope for the re-rise of Hong Kong movie instry or a real outlet. After all, the ice age is too long.
Such as movie: The Myth
Intrepid archeologist Jack and ambitious scientist William set out on an adventure that leads them to the greatest discovery in Chinese history. Their journey starts in Dasar, India, where they stumble upon an ancient sword from the Qin Dynasty, and a magical gemstone that appears to be able to defy the force of gravity. These finds not only lead them to a mythical mausoleum, but also connects Jack to his dark past life. Through strange and provocative dreams, Jack sees himself reincarnated as Meng Yi, a general who fell for the First Emperor's beautiful consort Ok Soo some 2,000 years ago.

As Meng Yi commands his troops in an increasingly desperate war against rebels, he also has to battle his own inner desires in choosing between eternal love and loyalty. Back to the present day, where the final secret of the First Emperor is about to be revealed, as the two adventurers successfully enter the Heavenly Palace ¨C a fortress loaded with death traps and unspeakable evils. But the closer Jack comes to this precious and final truth, the more he gets lost between the past and the present. Leading cast over view: Jackie Chan .... archeologist Jack Tony Leung Ka Fai ....scientist William Kim Hee Seon ....Ok Soo Mallika Sherawat .... Princess Samantha.

2. 为什么今天国产电影这么受欢迎 写一篇英语作文

1. 写作前先想好自己可能会用到的词汇比如:国产电影Chinese film, 《你好,李焕英》 Hi Mom等;
2. 列好提纲:
(1)开头: 谈一下国产电影受欢迎的现象,可以结合《你好,李焕英》来描述。 比如:This winter vacation I watched a hit movie named Hi Mom, the box office of which soared to 5 billion. It got me thinking about rapidly developing Chinese film.
(2) 中间:主要谈为什么如此受欢迎?具体原因因人而异。下面我介绍几点我认为的原因。
a. 经济发展,技术提高。With the development of society and economy, Film technology is also improving with the excellent special effects and the high picture quality.
b. 明星效力。Star power is an important factor. You may follow a movie just because it has actors you like in it.
c. 电影内容。The film subject takes into account the preferences of most people.
(3) 结尾:总结一下对电影发展的希冀。The popularity of domestic films cannot be separated from the joint efforts of the country and the people.

3. 中国电影发展史的英文介绍

An introction of the history of Chinese films in English.

4. 鐚╃悆宕涜捣鐨勮嫳璇褰辫瘎锛

銆銆Among the trillions of binary digits skittering across screens this summer, a vibrant minority have been gathered into a shrewd, coherent, and fully felt movie. I鈥檓 speaking of the expertly crafted 鈥淩ise of the Planet of the Apes,鈥 by far the best spectacle movie of the season, and one of the few films to use digital technology for nuanced dramatic effect.
銆銆鈥淧lanet,鈥 of course, draws on the old species-reversal conceit worked out by Pierre Boulle in his 1963 novel, 鈥淟a Plan猫te des Singes,鈥漚 book that launched a cluster of movies and television shows, most notably Franklin J. Schaffner鈥檚 鈥淧lanet of the Apes鈥 (1968). In that mock epic, the manacled, nearly naked Charlton Heston is rated an interesting specimen by a variety of simian overlords.
銆銆濡備綘鎵鎯筹紝鈥滄槦鐞冣濅竴璇嶆槸鎻村紩浜嶱ierre Boulle 鍦1963骞村啓鐨勫皬璇淬婁汉鐚挎槦鐞冦嬶紝瀹冭茶堪浜嗙敱浜庝汉绫昏嚜璐熷艰嚧鐗╃嶇殑閫嗗悜杩涘寲銆傝繖鏈灏忚磋鏀圭紪鎴愪竴绯诲垪鐨勭數褰卞拰鐢佃嗚妭鐩锛屽叾涓鏈钁楀悕 鐨勬槸Franklin J. Schaffner浜1968骞存墽瀵肩殑銆婁汉鐚挎槦鐞冦嬨傜數褰变腑锛孋harlton Heston 琚绉嶇被绻佸氥佹祹娴庝负鎮g殑鐚跨尨浠淇樿檹锛屼粬鎴寸潃鑴氶暎锛岃繎涔庤丹瑁革紝骞惰鐪嬩綔鏄涓涓鏈夎叮鐨勫栫墿绉嶆爣鏈銆
銆銆The new movie draws not only on Boulle鈥檚 outrageous idea but on some of the most enringly suggestive fables we know. It begins as a benevolent version of the Frankenstein story. Will (James Franco, trying harder than usual)锛 a young genetic engineer working for a San Francisco biotech company, creates a serum that reverses brain damage. (He wants to treat his father, Charles鈥攑layed movingly by John Lithgow鈥攚ho has Alzheimer鈥檚銆) The company tests the serum on apes, one of which goes mad and has to be destroyed. But Will takes home the ape鈥檚 baby, Caesar, who has inherited his mom鈥檚 supercharged gray matter, and he and Charles raise him as a pet.
銆銆鑰屼粖骞寸殑鏂颁綔涓嶄粎浼犳壙浜咮oulle 濂囧紓楠囦汉鐨勬濊矾锛屼篃铻嶅叆浜嗘垜浠鐔熸倝鐨勶紝鏈涔呬负娴佷紶銆佸紩浜鸿仈鎯崇殑浼犲囨晠浜嬨傜數褰变互涓涓鍜岃皭鐨勫紬鍏拌偗鏂鍧﹀紡鐨勫満鏅寮濮嬨俉ill (James Franco楗版紨锛岃繖娆′粬琛ㄦ紨寰楁洿鍗栧姏)锛屾槸涓浣嶅勾杞荤殑鍩哄洜宸ョ▼甯堬紝鍦ㄦ棫閲戝北鐨勪竴瀹剁敓鐗╃戞妧鍏鍙稿伐浣溿備粬鍙戞槑浜嗕竴绉嶅彲浠ラ嗚浆浜鸿剳鎹熶激鐨勮娓呫(浠栫殑鐖朵翰Chales锛岀敱John Lithgow 绮惧僵楗版紨锛屾偅鏈夐樋灏旇尐娴烽粯姘忕梾锛學ill鎯虫不鎰堢埗浜茬殑鐥)銆傚叕鍙哥敤杩欑嶈娓呭湪鐚跨尨韬涓婂仛瀹為獙锛岃屽叾涓鐨勪竴鍙鐤鎺変簡锛屽繀椤诲勬汇傚ソ蹇冪殑Will 灏嗗畠鐨勫╁瓙Caesar甯﹀洖浜嗗讹紝鍜岀埗浜睠hales涓璧锋妸浠栧綋鎴愬疇鐗╁吇浜嗚捣鏉ャ
銆銆Caesar swings through the house, leaping up and down stairs and throwing himself in and out of the attic, but he sits quietly at the dinner table, too. He listens, he grunts, he eats, he makes signs. He鈥檚 a darling little ape.But there鈥檚 a joke buried in our wonderment: we all anthropomorphize our pets, finding spirit, even conscience, in beautiful collies, in cool, blue-eyed Siamese cats, in potbellied pigs. Out of affection, we see what we want to see of ourselves.But Caesar really is like us, in many ways.
銆銆Caesar缁ф壙浜嗕粬姣嶄翰鐨勫己鍋ョ殑杩愬姩浣撹川锛屾椿鍔ㄨ兘鍔涘緢寮恒備粬鍦ㄥ眿閲屼贡绐滐紝鍦ㄦゼ姊涓婅烦涓婅烦涓嬶紝鍦ㄩ榿妤奸噷韫﹁繘韫﹀嚭锛屼絾鍦ㄩ愭岃竟杩樻槸浼氬畨闈欑殑鍧愮潃銆備粬鍚浜鸿茶瘽锛屽彂鍑哄彨澹帮紝鍚冨枬涓滆タ锛岃繕浼氬仛鑲浣撹瑷锛屾槸涓鍙鍙鐖辩殑灏忕尶鐚淬傚湪鎴戜滑鎯婂徆浜庡畠鐨勭伒娲荤殑鑳屽悗鍗存湁浜涜藉埡锛氭垜浠閮藉皢瀹犵墿鎷熶汉鍖栤斺旀垜浠鍦ㄦ紓浜鐨勭墽缇婄姮锛岃摑鐪肩潧鐨勬毠缃楃尗锛岃儢鑲氱毊鐨勫皬鐚韬涓婂绘壘鏌愮嶇簿绁烇紝鐢氳嚦鏄鑹蹇冿紝鑰屼笉鏄鍦ㄤ汉缇や腑鎰熷彈鍒拌繖浜涖傚嚭浜庡枩鐖憋紝鎴戜滑浠庝粬浠韬涓婄湅鍒颁簡涓浜涘湪浜虹被绀句細涓鎯崇湅鍒扮殑涓滆タ銆備絾鏄锛孋aesar 纭瀹炲湪寰堝氭柟闈涓庢垜浠寰堝儚銆
銆銆He plays and chatters like a chimp, but, like a child, he needs protection and reassurance, and then鈥攁 fellow-primate to the rescue鈥攈e rushes to the defense of Charles, his ailing 鈥済randfather,鈥 when he鈥檚 attacked by a neighbor. An empathic ape! The screenwriters, Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, and the director, Rupert Wyatt, create many small gestures, glances, and pauses that anchor the improbable turns of the story.At one point, Charles, confused, holds a fork by the wrong end, and Caesar slowly, gently takes it out of his hand and turns it around. The scene is ineffably, absurdly touching, the sweetest expression of family love seen in recent films.Pierre Boulle鈥檚 novel was sardonic, even maliciously satirical鈥攕cience fiction with a tickle. But 鈥淩ise of the Planet of the Apes鈥 discovers a new emotion: what you鈥檇 have to call interspecies pathos.
銆銆浠栧儚榛戠尒鐚╀竴鏍峰湴鐜╄嶃佸杻鍠冭嚜璇锛屽張鍍忓皬瀛╁瓙涓鏍烽渶瑕佷繚鎶ゅ拰瀹夋叞锛屼粬杩樻槸涓涓鑳芥彁渚涙彺鍔╃殑鐏甸暱绫诲悓鑳炩斺斿湪浠栫敓鐥呯殑鈥滅栫埗鈥滳hales鍙楀埌閭诲眳鏀诲嚮鐨勬椂鍊欙紝浠栬繀閫熷啿鍑烘潵淇濇姢Chales銆傜湡鏄涓鍙瀵屾湁鎰熸儏鐨勭尶鐚达紒鐢靛奖缂栧墽Rick Jaffa 鍜孉manda Silver,浠ュ強瀵兼紨Rupert Wyatt涓轰汉鐗╄捐′簡璁稿氱粏寰鐨勮█琛屻佺溂绁炰互鍙婂仠椤挎潵閿佸畾鏁呬簨鐨勮繘灞(铏藉湪鐪熷疄鐢熸椿涓涓嶅お鍙鑳藉彂鐢)銆備竴澶╋紝Chales鐘鐥呬簡锛屼粬鎷胯捣鍙夊瓙鍚冮キ鍗村皢鍙夊皷鏈濈潃鑷宸便傝繖鏃禖aesar 鎱㈡參鍦拌交杞诲湴鍦板皢鍙夊瓙浠庝粬鎵嬮噷鎷胯繃鏉ワ紝鍙嶈繃澶村幓锛屽啀鏀惧洖浠栨墜蹇冦傝繖涓鍦烘櫙鏄鏃犳硶瑷鍠荤殑鎰熶汉鑷虫繁锛屽畠瀵瑰跺涵涔嬬埍鐨勮〃杈炬槸鏈杩戞墍鏈夌數褰变腑鏈璐村績鐨勩侾ierre Boulle 鐨勫師钁楁湁浜涘槻璁斤紝鐢氳嚦鏄鎭舵剰鐨勮藉埡锛屾湁涓鐐圭戝够灏忚寸殑鍛抽亾銆傝屻婁汉鐚挎槦鐞冪殑鍏磋捣銆嬪垯鎻绀轰簡涓绉嶆柊鐨勬劅鎯咃細鐗╃嶉棿鐨勫悓鎯呯埍鎬溿
銆銆Andy Serkis, who was the emaciated, depraved, ground-hugging Gollum in the 鈥淟ord of the Rings鈥 trilogy, plays Caesar鈥攖hat is, he lends his body and face, covered with reflective markers, to image-makers who then, employing the techniques of motion capture, create a digitized simulacrum of an ape, but an ape that has unrivalled flexibility and expressiveness. The filmmakers have pulled off a stunning paradox: Caesar is much more human than an entirely digitized creation, and much more apish than an actual ape鈥攆aster, stronger, more exuberant in his knuckle-dragging, chin-thrusting, lunging glory. Caesar becomes an adolescent; hormones kick in, and he turns violent, doing bongo numbers on his enemies with his fists. At last, digital fantasy means something: we are not watching a ll-brained superhero banging off walls like a fly in a bottle; we are watching an animal with suddenly enhanced powers who still behaves recognizably like an animal. But a juiced-up ape can become something more than fun for us鈥攈e can shock us with his power, even inspire terror.There鈥檚 a premonition early in the film: when a leashed German shepherd barks at Caesar, he roars back at the dog, and then, climbing into Will鈥檚 car, surly and sad, he signs with his hands that he feels like a pet鈥攊t鈥檚 a complaint, a question, and a challenge.
銆銆Andy Serkis锛屽氨鏄銆婃寚鐜鐜嬨嬩笁閮ㄦ洸涓閭d釜娑堢槮鎲旀偞銆佽厫鍖栧爼钀姐佺敓娲诲湪绀句細搴曞眰鐨凣ollum,鍦ㄦ湰鍓т腑鎵婕擟aesar銆傚舰璞¤捐″笀鐢ㄥ叿鏈夌尶鐚寸壒寰佺殑琛屽ご浠庡ご鍒拌剼瑁呮壆Andy,鐒跺悗閲囩敤鍔ㄤ綔鎹曟崏鎶鏈鍒朵綔鍑轰竴鐢靛瓙妯℃嫙鐚跨尨锛岃繖鍙鐚跨尨琛屽姩闈炲父鐏垫椿锛屼害鍠勪簬琛ㄨ揪銆傜數褰卞埗浣滀汉鎴愬姛璁捐″嚭浜咰aeser杩欎釜寮曚汉鍏ヨ儨鐨勭煕鐩惧舰璞★細涓庣函绮圭殑鐢靛瓙鍒朵綔鐗╃浉姣旓紝浠栨洿瀵屼汉鎬э紱鑰屼笌鐪熷疄鐨勭尶鐚寸浉姣旓紝浠栨洿瀵岀墿绉嶇壒鎬р斺旀寚鍏宠妭鎷栧姩鍔涗笌鍜鍤艰兘鍔涙洿寮哄ぇ锛岃屼笖绮惧姏鍏呮矝锛岃繘鏀绘у己銆傚緢蹇锛孋aesar 闀挎垚浜嗛潚灏戝勾锛岀敱浜庝綋鍐呮縺绱犵殑浣滅敤锛屼粬鍙樺緱鏆村姏璧锋潵锛屾嫵澶村儚鏁插皬榧撲技鐨勬墦鍦ㄦ晫浜鸿韩涓娿傝繖浜涘囧欑殑鏁板瓧鍖栧奖鍍忔渶缁堟槸鎯虫彮绀轰竴浜涢亾鐞嗭細鎴戜滑涓嶆槸鍦ㄨ傜湅涓涓鏈ㄨ剳琚嬬殑瓒呯骇鑻遍泟鍍忔病澶磋媿铦囦竴鏍峰湪鐡跺瓙閲屼贡鎾烇紝鑰屾槸涓鍙蹇界劧鑾峰緱宸ㄥぇ鍔涢噺鐨勭尶鐚达紝鍗翠粛琛ㄧ幇鐨勫儚涓鍔ㄧ墿銆備竴鍙缁欑數褰卞嶆坊绮惧僵鐨勭尶鐚村彲涓嶄粎浠呮槸涓绗戞枡锛屾兂鎯崇湅锛氫粬鍔涘ぇ鏃犳瘮锛岃冻浠ラ渿鎱戞垜浠锛岀敋鑷宠兘澶熸寫璧锋毚鍔ㄣ傚叾瀹烇紝鍦ㄧ數褰卞紑澶村氨鐢变竴涓涓嶅お濂界殑棰勫厗锛氬綋涓鏀琚鎷寸潃鐨勫痉鍥界墽缇婄姮鏈滳aesar鐙傚悹鐨勬椂鍊欙紝Caesar鍙嶅挰鍥炲幓锛岀劧鍚庝笂浜哤ill鐨勮溅銆備粬绮楅瞾鎵撶潃鎵嬪娍锛屽硅嚜宸辨槸瀹犵墿鐨勮韩浠藉緢涓嶆弧鎰忊斺旇繖鏄鎶辨锛屾槸鐤戞儜锛屼篃鏄鎸戞垬銆
銆銆A second fable moves into place. The violent Caesar gets sent to an ape compound, where he鈥檚 forced through steel mazes, prodded, and stun-gunned. The imprisonment is unbearable: he experiences the humiliation that a mere mb animal would never feel.Gorillas, orangutans, and other chimps live with him in the compound, and Caesar quickly becomes a leader of apes. For a while, the movie turns into the latest version of 鈥淓scape from Alcatraz,鈥 reaching its climax in a single syllable, a roaring 鈥淣o!鈥濃擟aesar鈥檚 first word, a refusal that caused the audience when I saw the movie to go ape.

5. 关于介绍中国电影的英语作文


Grand Masters is a Kung Fu movie, directed by the famous director Karwai Wong, representing the legend life of Kung Fu master, Ye Wen.


The movie stars from mainland and Hong Kong co-star in this film, attracting many movie fans’attraction.


Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Zhang Ziyi are the leading roles. The movie focuses on the legend stories of mutual martial arts ring the Republic of China.


In order to truly show the moves and spirits of the four Kung Fu branches, Wing Chun, the Eight Diagrams, Bachi and Ying Yie.


the director Karwai Wong collected a large amount of precious materials in the period of Republic of China, visited more than one hundred descendants across the country in three years.


Besides, the leading roles went to learn Kung Fu for many years. As a result, we can enjoy a beautifully proced and fantastic Kung Fu movie.


I watched it in the cinema, feeling it’s so great that I couldn’t describe it in language. I desperately love this film.
