当前位置:首页 » 电影女主 » 那个女孩英文歌是什么电影主题曲
成龙电影实力排名 2024-04-30 03:57:06
坏家伙电影网盘资源 2024-04-30 03:13:56


发布时间: 2024-04-16 08:14:21

① 鐢靛奖銆婄寧绁炲啲鏃ヤ箣鎴樸嬩富棰樻洸鍙浠涔堝強姝岃瘝

婕斿敱锛 Halsey
浣滆瘝 : Ashley Frangipane/Peder Losnegård
浣滄洸 : Ashley Frangipane/Peder Losnegård

Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise
鍘屽︿簡杩欎簺瀹朵紮鐨勯棽瑷纰庤 浠夸經璁╀汉鐢熷帉鐨勫櫔闊
Tired of all these cameras flashing, sick of being poised
鍘屽︿簡闂鍏夌伅闂涓嶅仠 璁╂垜涓嶅緱涓嶉潰瀵圭潃瀹冧滑鍫嗗嚭绗戣劯鐩堢泩
Now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it
鎴戠殑寮辩偣鍦ㄦゅ埢鏆撮湶鏃犻仐 绛夊緟鐫璋佷己鏈鸿屽姩缁欎簣鑷村懡涓鍑
Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it
鑰屾垜鎵鏈夌殑楠勫偛涔熼兘宸叉汉姣 涔熷氨娌″繀瑕佸啀杞寮卞摥娉
I'm headed straight for the castle
They wanna make me their queen
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean
鍗磋佷竴涓鍨傛荤殑鑰佷汉鍦ㄧ帇搴т箣涓 濂藉儚鍦ㄥ憡璇鎴戜笉璇ュ傛ゆ棤鎯
I'm headed straight for the castle
They've got the kingdom locked up
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut
涓涓鍨傛荤殑鑰佷汉鍦ㄩ偅鐜嬪骇涔嬩笂 濂藉儚鍦ㄦ彁閱掔潃鎴戣ュ皢鎴戦偅婕備寒鐨勫皬鍢撮棴绱 鍒鎯婅跺埆闈炶
Straight for the castle
Oh, all of these minutes passing, sick of feeling used
鏃堕棿涓鍒嗕竴绉掓祦閫濅笉鍋 濡傛俯姘寸叜闈掕洐鑸鐨勪範鎯鐫涓鍒 鐪熻╂垜鍘屽︿笉宸
If you wanna break these walls down, you're gonna get bruised
鑻ヤ綘鎯冲啿鐮撮偅娓╁拰鍥村洶鐫浣犵殑鍥涘 鍙浼氫激鐥曠疮绱 涓嶄綇鍝楦
Now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it
鎴戠殑寮辩偣涔熷湪姝ゅ埢鏆撮湶鏃犻仐 绛夊緟鐫璋佷己鏈鸿屽姩缁欎簣鑷村懡涓鍑
Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it
鑰屾垜鎵鏈夌殑楠勫偛涔熼兘宸叉汉姣 涔熷氨娌″繀瑕佸啀杞寮卞摥娉
I'm headed straight for the castle
They wanna make me their queen
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean
鍗磋佷竴涓鍨傛荤殑鑰佷汉鍦ㄧ帇搴т箣涓 濂藉儚鍦ㄥ憡璇鎴戜笉璇ュ傛ゆ棤鎯
I'm headed straight for the castle
They've got the kingdom locked up
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut
涓涓鍨傛荤殑鑰佷汉鍦ㄩ偅鐜嬪骇涔嬩笂 濂藉儚鍦ㄦ彁閱掔潃鎴戣ュ皢鎴戦偅婕備寒鐨勫皬鍢撮棴绱 鍒鎯婅跺埆闈炶
Straight for the castle
There's no use crying about it
There's no use crying about it
There's no use crying about it
閭e氨鍒鍐嶈蒋寮 鍒鍐嶅摥娉
There's no use crying about it
蹇嶄綇鐪兼唱 涓轰簡浣犲績涓鐨勬复鏈涘潥瀹 鍐嶅潥瀹
I'm headed straight for the castle
They wanna make me their queen
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean
鍗磋佷竴涓鍨傛荤殑鑰佷汉鍦ㄧ帇搴т箣涓 濂藉儚鍦ㄥ憡璇鎴戜笉璇ュ傛ゆ棤鎯
I'm headed straight for the castle
They've got the kingdom locked up
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut
涓涓鍨傛荤殑鑰佷汉鍦ㄩ偅鐜嬪骇涔嬩笂 濂藉儚鍦ㄦ彁閱掔潃鎴戣ュ皢鎴戦偅婕備寒鐨勫皬鍢撮棴绱 鍒鎯婅跺埆闈炶
Straight for the castle
They wanna make me their queen
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean
鍗磋佷竴涓鍨傛荤殑鑰佷汉鍦ㄧ帇搴т箣涓 濂藉儚鍦ㄥ憡璇鎴戜笉璇ュ傛ゆ棤鎯
I'm headed straight for the castle
They've got the kingdom locked up
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut
涓涓鍨傛荤殑鑰佷汉鍦ㄩ偅鐜嬪骇涔嬩笂 濂藉儚鍦ㄦ彁閱掔潃鎴戣ュ皢鎴戦偅婕備寒鐨勫皬鍢撮棴绱 鍒鎯婅跺埆闈炶
Straight for the castle

② i see your monster鏄浠涔堢數褰辩殑涓婚樻洸

銆奍 See Your Monsters銆嬫槸鐢靛奖銆澶嶄粐鑰呰仈鐩4锛氱粓灞涔嬫垬銆嬬殑涓婚樻洸銆

銆奍 See Your Monsters銆嬫瓕鏇插師鍞辨槸Katie Sky锛屾敹褰曞彂琛屼簬2014骞5鏈11鏃ョ殑涓撹緫銆奙onsters銆嬩腑銆



I see your monsters

I see your pain

Tell me your problems

I&apos锛沴l chase them away

I&apos锛沴l be your lighthouse

I&apos锛沴l make it okay

When I see your monsters

I&apos锛沴l stand there so brave

And chase them all away

In the dark we we

We stand apart we we

Never see that the things

That we need are staring right at us

You just want to hide hide hide

Hide never show your smile smile

Stand alone when you need someone it&apos锛泂 the hardest thing of all

That you see are the bad bad bad

Bad memories take your time and you&apos锛沴l find me

I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I&apos锛沴l chase them away

I&apos锛沴l be your lighthouse I&apos锛沴l make it okay

When I see your monsters I&apos锛沴l stand there so brave

And chase them all away

I could see the sky sky

Sky beautiful tonight night

When you breathe why can&apos锛泃 you see

The clouds are in your head

I would stay there there

There&apos锛泂 no need to fear fear

And when you need to talk it out

With someone you can trust

What you see are the bad bad bad

Bad memories take your time

And you&apos锛沴l find me

I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I&apos锛沴l chase them away

I&apos锛沴l be your lighthouse I&apos锛沴l make it okay

When I see your monsters

I&apos锛沴l stand there so brave

And chase them all away

I&apos锛沴l chase them all away

You&apos锛泇e got the chance to see the light

Even in the darkest night

And I&apos锛沴l be here like you were for me

So just let me in

&apos锛汣ause I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I&apos锛沴l chase them away

I&apos锛沴l be your lighthouse I&apos锛沴l make it okay

When I see your monsters

I&apos锛沴l stand there so brave

I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I&apos锛沴l chase them away

I&apos锛沴l be your lighthouse I&apos锛沴l make it okay

When I see your monsters

I&apos锛沴l stand there so brave

And chase them all away

浠ヤ笂鍐呭瑰弬鑰QQ闊充箰-I See Your Monsters